Services we offer at Bushwood Golf Shack


For services please call, come in or drop off you items. Contact us at  (863) 656-5182 or or send us a message at and we will respond as quickly as possible. Not seeing the service you need please contact us to discuss your needs we would love to help!


Club Cleaning………………………...$ 2.00 per club

Club Regripping………………….…..$ 3.00 per club

Shaft Replacement……………….…..$ 12.00 materials & labor (+ cost of grip)

Lengthen club…………………….…...$ 15.00 materials & labor (+ cost of grip)

Replace club adaptor……………….. $ 5.00 each

Replace a set of golf shoe cleats.....$ 10.00 (includes cleaning)

Golf tips………………………………………. I’ll take any I can get!